Saturday, December 1, 2012

“Fly Guy vs. The Flyswatter!” ~By Tedd Arnold

Published by Scholastic Inc. SCHOLASTIC, CARTWHEEL BOOKS,


**Friends and Friendship**

“Fly Guy vs. The Flyswatter” by Ted Arnold is about a fly who joins Buzz’s on school fieldtrip to the flyswatter factory.  Fly Guy soon realizes that this trip isn’t as fun as he thought it would be.

This book is a comedy and humor series of many other books by this author.  I think it is funny a fly ends up going to a flyswatter factor.

Personal Response:
I enjoy reading Tedd Arnold’s Fly Guy series books, they are entertaining and the illustrations are great.  The one thing that caught my eye was the cover of the book; I think it was the shiny silver.  I really how the book is in Chapters and have words in BOLD.

Tedd Arnold Bio:
Tedd Arnold was born in 1949, in Elmira, NY and when he was 10 years old he and his family moved to Florida.  His first art lesson was nothing but interesting, it was in an abandoned dentist office.  He graduated with a BFA from the University of Florida.  After graduating he soon meet Carol who he ended up marrying.  Carol was a kindergarten teacher.  They ended up having a son called Walter who they enjoyed reading stories to at bedtime.
Before long Tedd became interested in writing and illustrating stores; he tried to get his stories published but received rejections letter for six years straight.  He and his family soon decided to move to New York City where he started out at a larger publisher as a book designer.  Then his book that was inspired by his soon Walter called "No Jumping on the Bed!", which became a big success. He decided to leave commercial illustrating when his wife suggested he become a writer/illustrator of children’s books. His books have become extremely popular amongst elementary schools. He and his wife currently live in Elmira, NY and their two sons are grown and married
Other Books:
Detective Blue           Ride Fly Guy Ride!
I Spy Fly Guy             Super Fly Guy
Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl                 Hi Fly Guy
Buzz Boy and Fly Guy        Fly High Fly Guy
Shoo Fly Guy                  No Water In The Tub
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy
Hooray For Fly Guy            There’s A Fly Guy In My Soup

Arnold, T. (2011). Fly Guy vs. The Flyswatter. New York, NY: Scholastic, Cartwheel.

Scholastic Inc. (n.d.). Tedd Arnold. In Scholastic. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from

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